Saturday, June 1, 2019


Wish i knew who pia was
Holding her hands once then die
Calling out not from that further i wish
When i ever come to a city
She hadn’t already left for another one
I wish not to find all hotels emptied
İntrovert like a frosted  chalice i wish
I was never misting about
Wish if the kids had seen pia
At the docks towards morning
Letting me know and wising me up
Would make me starkly fill with stars
I would storm off like a dagger and  leave

When i ever come to a city
She hadn’t already left for another one i wish
They didn’t say she’s on the way to Singapore.
Not doing that to me i’m exhausted
Crown all  i’m broke i have no passport
Wish towards morning at the docks i heard
Pia was calling me out
A poor raincoat on her back
Her infant eyes wide open
Feeling cold, creep and pale
Pia’s hands  in my hands i wish
I would not die  incomplete


Çağrı'nın Çevirisi : 

 Pretty please, I wish I knew who Pia was
What if I held her hands only then died
I wish she hadn't called out from the distance
Whenever I was back in the city
What if she hadn't left for another town for once 
I wish I didn't find the hotels abandoned
Wistful like an iced chalice
I wish I didn't sweat on and on
Pretty please, in the wee small hours at the docks
If the kids had seen Pia 
If I had known 
Stars would have completely invaded my insides
And I would swing like a dagger and run
Whenever I was back in the city
I wish she didn't depart for another town for once
What if they didn't say she was on the way to Singapore, what if they didn't do that to me
I am knackered, penniless, I don't have a passport
Pretty please, in the wee small hours at the docks
What if I heard Pia calling out for me
A poor raincoat on her back
Her childlike eyes growing big
Cold, shivering, ashen
Hands of Pia, only if I could have held them
I would have died complete.


ne olur kim olduğunu bilsem pia'nın
ellerini bir tutsam ölsem
böyle uzak uzak seslenmese
ben bir şehre geldiğim vakit
o başka bir şehre gitmese
otelleri bomboş bulmasam
içlenip buzlu bir kadeh gibi
buğulanıp buğulanıp durmasam
ne olur sabaha karşı rıhtımda
çocuklar pia'yı görseler
bana haber salsalar bilsem
içimi büsbütün yıldız basar
bir hançer gibi çıkıp giderdim

ben bir şehre geldiğim vakit
o başka bir şehre gitmese
singapur yolunda demeseler
bana bunu yapmasalar yorgunum
üstelik parasızım pasaportsuzum
ne olur sabaha karşı rıhtımda
seslendiğini duysam pia'nın
sırtında yoksul bir yağmurluk
çocuk gözleri büyük büyük
üşümüş ürpermiş soluk
ellerini tutabilsem pia'nın
ölsem eksiksiz ölürdüm

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